
Ski Fashion from the past 100 years - OOSC Clothing

Ski Fashion from the past 100 years

Ski Fashion has come a long way! Ski fashion is what we're talking about at the moment. Get excited about your winter holiday with our pick of the best pieces to hit the slopes in... Ski wear is one of...

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Simon Dumont doing what he does best! - OOSC Clothing

Simon Dumont doing what he does best!

We love Simon Dumont - whether he is doing double superman front flips, huge air or half piping a chopped up halfpipe he always throws himself at the challenge! Here, in an old but still worth sharing video, Simon Dumont...

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It's Dumping Down In The Alps - OOSC Clothing

It's Dumping Down In The Alps

Having spent the last 10 days of 2015 scratching over ice and struggling to hold an edge, January 3rd brought the first Bluebird of 2016. Now the white-stuff doesn’t look like stopping bringing Europe the epic snowfall we were desperately...

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Olivia Mariel Après Jumper – December Instagram of the Month - OOSC Clothing

Olivia Mariel Après Jumper – December Instagram of the Month

When there's no snow ❄️#Apres A photo posted by Olivia Mariel (@olivia.mariel) on Dec 29, 2015 at 5:23am PST

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The Sammy C Project

The Sammy C Project - avaliable here on iTunes. Plot In 2014, after winning 5 X Games medals, Sammy Carlson abruptly stepped away from competition and dropped out of the Olympic rat race–even as slopestyle skiing was about to make...

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It's Snowing - The season has started

The temperature is dropping and the snow is scheduled to keep on dumping finally Europe can look forward to the 2015/16 season. It may be late but it's not set to stop for the next few days. Even lower resorts...

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Unsplash - Ski Lift Photography

Great photography website where we've found some great images to get you in the mood for the mountains.

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Girl Skiers are awesome!

Between - due for release in Autumn 2016 And just for good measure... "I have to pee"!

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From Après Ski to White Out - Know your skiing terms!

A list of the most popular skiing terms you need to know. Après Ski – the reason to go skiing! Get yourself a large jug of beer, a few shots and toffee vodka. Your head is going to hurt in...

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