Last week the OOSC team embarked on an exciting journey with London based designer Heni Seregi. Heni has kindly designed us some awesome new suits; encompassing the heart of outlandish ski fashion with all things retro. We are currently in the production phase and are looking forward to sharing these new designs with you soon!
Heni Seregi Photoshoot
In the meantime, Heni set OOSC up with a professional Photoshoot at the London Collage of Fashion in order to give our website a facelift! A wacky Japanese photographer, Heni's artistic flare and five delightful models produced some amazing shots last week. Once we have selected our favourites, we will get them on the website so you can all see how epic our OOSC gear really is!
#TBT Ski Ballet Event from Hot Dog... The Movie
Beaver Works - Leeds Snowriders - First:Tracks Festival