Whether it’s Rock climbing, Hiking, Wakeboarding, Tennis, taking in the ridiculous views, trying backflips into a pool, Mountain Biking, Volleyball, Swimming in a lake, Paragliding, eating nice food, partying in a forest or just simply riding the chair lifts wishing it was Winter all day, the Alps has it all!
I couldn’t recommend living in the mountains more!
From witnessing it first hand, I couldn’t recommend living in the mountains more! And for that matter, living in Verbier in particular!
Wakeboarding with the lads turned out to be best day of the summer so far! Myself and one other had never tried it, one big man thought he was a boss but face planted the water before the line had time to pull, same thing happened to big bollocks who tries to jump off a ledge upon entry and then there’s ‘that guy that’s done it for years’. Anyway, we all tried stupid shit once we got the hang of it and all ended the day attempting a backflip after only a few straight airs on the features… #GoBig
[video width="320" height="576" mp4="https://oosc-clothing.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Backflip-fail-Wake.mp4"][/video]The forest Raves, organised by the locals seems to continuously pop up every now and then – going in to the 4th this summer at the end of the month! Local and aspiring DJ’s playing for free in the woods with ‘likeminded’ friends until the following afternoon – What could go wrong!

Swimming in freezing cold mountain lakes with a BBQ on the go and a beer chillin’ in the water too… Not a bad way to spend a Monday… or any other day for that matter!

Uni-Hockey Competition – Pub Mont Fort
With the second edition only last weekend following the brilliant success of the first only a month ago, the crowds will be awaiting the final showdown before winter. Amazing turn out – easy game with as many teams involved as possible – winners take a free bar tab – eat and drink the evening away – Simple.

Take in the stunning views on a daily basis. Do you eventually take it for granted? I’ll let the photos talk!

Le Rouge Bar – Full Moon Party

Le Farinet – Apres Ski in the Winter, top chill spot in the Summer
BBQ’s, Happy hour deals, Live music, awesome staff and smack bang in the centre of town!

Flying – www.verbier-summits.com/
With my family just visiting for a couple of days, we had to do something rememberable so we figured flying across Verbier attached to a parachute Pro would be the way to do it! Verbier-Summits, run by 2 brothers that have been doing it for 20 years or so, accommodated our every need and made it an awesome experience!! Would recommend to everyone that lives in or visits Verbier!! And I’m yet to try it with Skis on in the Winter!!

So, could I sell it to you any more… My name is Matt, I am the Events Director, Swiss manager and one of 4 co-owners of OOSC and this is my life here in the summer...
Every photo included was taken by friends or family in Verbier or in the local area.
Leo Taillefer wins GoPro's Line of the Winter contest
Telegraph Ski and Snowboard Show - OOSC Shout Out!